GAP Scale

In 2002, I developed the Gay Affirmative Practice Scale (GAP) while pursuing my PhD at the University of Texas at Austin. The GAP has 30 items that comprised two 15-item domains: the belief domain and the behavior domain. The scale can be administered as a 30 item scale or with only one of the 15-item domains. The scale has been subjected to rigorous reliability and validity testing and is considered the only measure developed to assess this construct (that of Gay Affirmative Practice). The scale has been used by practitioners, researchers, educators, & students in several different disciplines and countries. I make it available at no cost to those who wish to use it in research & practice. If you would like to use it, please complete the form at this link.

Additional information about the GAP and its psychometric properties can be found in this article:

Crisp, C. (2006). The Gay Affirmative Practice Scale (GAP): A new measure for assessing cultural competency with gay and lesbian clients. Social Work, 51(2), 115 – 126.

Articles I have written that have used the GAP are:

Crisp, C. (2012). Correlates of homophobia and gay affirmative practice in rural practitioners.  Journal of Rural and Community Psychology, 15(1). Available at

Crisp, C. (2006). Correlates of homophobia and use of gay affirmative practice among social workers. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 14(4), 119 – 143.

Crisp, C. (2005). Homophobia and use of gay affirmative practice in a sample of social workers and psychologists. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 18(1), 51 – 70.

Articles that discuss the concept of gay affirmative practice are:

Crisp, C., Wayland, S., & Gordon. T. (2008). Older gay, lesbian, and bisexual adults: Tools for age–competent and gay affirmative practice. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 20 (1/2), 5 – 29.

Crisp, C. & McCave, E. L. (2007). Gay affirmative practice: A model for social work practice with gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 24(4) 403–421.

Van Den Bergh, N. &  Crisp, C. (2004). Defining culturally competent practice with sexual minorities: Implications for social work education and practice. Journal of Social Work Education, 40(2), 221 – 238.



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