Thank you for attending the Intro to Mindful Self-Compassion workshop at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church on March 9, 2019. This page has resources for those who attended. Thanks to your interest in this topic, we raised over $1,000 for St. Margaret’s Episcopal Youth Community group. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and meet so many new ones. My heart is full and I am grateful for all of you.
Please take my survey on mindful self-compassion and attitudes towards others at this link. Please also ask your friends to take it.
If you would like information about other workshops I will be teaching as well as the 8-week MSC class I will offer in the fall, please fill the form at this link.
Here are links to the practices we did in the workshop. All links open in a separate window.
- Handout distributed at workhop
- “Soles of the Feet” practice (short version)
- “Soothing Touch”
- “Self-Compassion Break” (female voice)
- “Self-Compassion Break” (male voice)
- “Affectionate Breathing” meditation (female voice)
- “Affectionate Breathing” meditation (male voice)
- Poem: “My Balm” by Jane O’Shea
- “Soothe, Soften, Allow”
- Special closing meditation
Here are other resources that may be helpful in your meditation and self-compassion practice (all links open in new tabs):
- Insight Timer
- The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive by Kristin Neff and Chris Germer (2018)
- Self-compassion: the proven power of being kind to yourself by Kristin Neff (2015)
- The mindful path to self-compassion: freeing yourself from destructive thoughts and emotions by Chris Germer (2009)
- Ultimate Courage: Men and Self-Compassion (youtube video presentation)
- Chris Germer’s (co-founder of the MSC program) website
- Kristin Neff’s (co-founder of the MSC program) website
- Center for Mindful Self-Compassion